Sunday, May 3, 2015

Next New Thing

A new type of media would be a social media platform used solely for classroom or school-wide activities.  Sure students and educators can use available social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to communicate, but I feel like the mix of academics with social life often leads to distractions and unfinished work.  This new type of social media would provide students and educators ways to communicate privately as well as share different types of media with one another.  Collaborative work would be done more easily, free of distractions.  School events can also be communicated using this media and input can be shared within the group.  This would make scheduling and preparation a lot more convenient.


  1. Imagine in the future, everyone will be taking online classes. Hope this type of new media can improve our efficiency of work.

  2. Creating a new site just for education communication would solve the mix of academics and social life. You would have a dedicated site for school work while still having facebook and other sites. The only problem would be getting the school systems to adopt it.

  3. a social media platform that is more user friendly than blackboard would definitely make group projects easier. Imagine the mobile app for such a website? This would revolutionize education for sure.

  4. Honestly, this has already been integrated through the college in the form of BlackBoard. The main issue that doesn't allow it to reach its maximum potential is the fact that not everyone is open to that change. In order for this to be effective, people would have to put in constant amounts of time that they could be using on other social media platforms with their own personal interest. Before a system like this can be put in place to work, the structure of education has to change where more professors are willing to have an online presence for the students. there also has to be an incentive because no one is open to change unless they gain something out of it and regardless of the fact, students will always be the consumers of education unless something changes.

  5. This could be a great idea, but I would have to agree with the comment above. Although we have BlackBoard and the various features that it provides, students and teachers are familiar and used to using Facebook and Twitter. It is very difficult to get people to change new media platforms when they have been using it for years. However, from my own personal experiences, I do agree that doing collaborative work on Facebook can be very distracting.
